The 10th edition of the ‘Peppers Against Cancer’ campaign, jointly organized by Condis Supermarkets and the Federation of Associations Against Cancer of Catalonia (FECEC), with the collaboration of Grupo Agroponiente, has set a new record by raising €63,000.
This amount, nearly €6,000 more than last year, was achieved through the sale of 42,076 bags of charity peppers in over 700 Condis Supermarkets across Catalonia, with the participation of 1,200 volunteers.
As in previous editions, Grupo Agroponiente donated all the peppers for this campaign, specifically California and Cónico varieties, packaged in sustainable, compostable mesh bags for sale. The campaign, now in its tenth year, continues to raise funds for cancer research and to support associations working to improve the situation of affected patients.
The campaign has garnered significant social and media attention, becoming a highlight on social networks through hashtags like #PebrotsSolidaris, #PebrotsCàncer, #Posem-liPebrotsAlCàncer, and #JuntsContraElCàncer.
Grupo Agroponiente’s collaboration in this campaign is not only a tradition but also a special, solidary, and committed action in the fight against cancer, involving farmers and employees who collaborate to ensure the success of this crucial initiative.
According to the CEO of Grupo Agroponiente, Imanol Almudí, “Any collaboration with the field of medical research, especially regarding a disease like cancer, represents a fantastic opportunity for us to contribute to an absolutely essential cause. Moreover, doing this alongside good friends such as Condis Supermarkets and the Federation of Associations Against Cancer of Catalonia (FECEC) enhances the importance we have long attributed to this initiative with which we are fully committed. Companies are generally entities committed to the environment, always present when needed, and this initiative undoubtedly deserves that commitment, reflected in a product perfectly aligned with its goals: at Grupo Agroponiente and Condis, we work with healthy products, like these peppers, and health is the aim of this campaign, which achieves greater success each year.”
About FECEC, Together Against Cancer
The Catalan Federation of Entities Against Cancer (FECEC) is an organization that brings together 16 organizations working to improve the quality of life for people with cancer and their families. Established in 2001, FECEC aims to
integrate efforts in the fight against cancer in Catalonia. FECEC provides information and services to its member entities, promotes oncology volunteering, and develops programs in areas of dissemination, prevention, post-cancer, and psychosocial research. Member organizations include AFANOC, Fundació Amics Joan Petit, Associació Catalana de Ostomitzats de Catalunya, Associació Fènix Solsonès, Oncolliga Lleida, Fundació Josep Carreras, Fundació Enriqueta Villavecchia, Fundació Roses contra el Càncer, Fundació Oncolliga Girona, Fundació Oncolliga, Fundació Oncovallès, Grup Iris, Fundació Kàlida, Vilassar de Dalt contra el Càncer, Osona contra el Càncer, and the Liga contra el Cáncer de Tarragona y Terres de l’Ebre.
About Condis Supermercados
Founded in 1961 and headquartered in Barcelona, Condis Supermercados has a strong presence in Catalonia and Andorra with 680 supermarkets, over 386 of which are in Barcelona and its metropolitan area. With a market share of about 10% in surface area in Catalonia, Condis specializes in proximity and convenience supermarkets, holding a 25% market share in the Barcelona area in these formats.
In addition to physical stores, Condis offers a quality online delivery service through its platform, CondisLine, covering 50% of the total market in Catalonia and playing a key role in Condis’s service during 2020. The company is heavily involved in ESG initiatives and operates with a business model focused on reducing the environmental impact of the food sector, actively collaborating with numerous social action organizations.
Communication Department.
Grupo Agroponiente.