Grupo Agroponiente overcomes all its growth figures in the first four months of the campaign: over 20% more than the previous one.

The most optimistic objectives and forecasts have been exceeded at the start of the season, thanks, among other things, to the incorporation of 600 new farmers and the good pace of the Adra warehouse.


We are continuing to improve our business figures at the start of the fruit and vegetable season 2024/2025. If, after the first two months of activity, the increase in production figures had reached 18% over the previous season, in which growth had already been 13%, the overall figure for the first four months has risen to 20%.

This is the highest percentage growth in the history of the company in the same period, the origin of which can be attributed to different causes, starting with the arrival of the results after the improvements in the general management of the company. Of course, it is a growth that is absolutely above forecasts and even the most optimistic objectives.

In fact, the growth figures for the first two months, projected up to the end of the season, raised the total production volume for the season to 400 million kilos. If this percentage increase in volume now rises by a further two points to over 20% and continues until the end of the season, these overall figures will also exceed the 400 million barrier.

But, in addition, one of the most significant figures for this start to the season is the incorporation of 600 new growers compared to the same period last year, which is a tremendously significant increase and whose cause is to be found in the public’s conviction of the quality of the company’s services and general treatment of the grower.

Also extremely revealing are the figures for the volume of product handled in one of the company’s most important new centres, the one in Adra, which this year has become the fifth daily auction of product and the seventh warehouse for garments. In just four months, our company has managed to become the company of reference in the whole area of Adra and its surroundings, which has welcomed the project with great support, both in terms of the incorporation of farmers and the arrival of professionals who have joined the project.

In order to complete the comparative idea of figures, it should be remembered that three years ago, the company grew at 3%; in the following year at 7%, and in the previous financial year at 13%, reaching 18% in the first two and a half months of this one. The current 20% means, once again, that the company’s growth rate continues to accelerate in very different market situations.

The CEO of the Agroponiente Group, Imanol Almudí, also wanted to assess these growth parameters, highlighting that ‘the season is being presented in a somewhat unexpected way, with high prices at the start of the season, which have subsequently fallen, complicating operations a lot, only to pick up again at the end of December. The late onset of winter and the incidence of the virus in the pepper crop have once again placed us in a complex situation, but thanks to the good work of our growers and the magnificent professional team at Agroponiente, the company is once again managing to navigate successfully in these turbulent waters, achieving a rate of growth that we did not expect for this date and which we hope to be able to maintain for the rest of the season. It is now time to grit our teeth and focus on the winter season, the next few weeks will be key to analyse whether or not it will finally be successful for the sector, let’s hope that together we can continue to make the Almeria countryside a reference point for agriculture in Europe’.
