The CEO of the company, Imanol Almudí, has signed the integration commitment with the representatives of this organisation, Juan Callejón Baena and Andrés García Lorca.
Grupo Agroponiente has formalised its adhesion to the Almería Tierra Abierta Foundation, in order to collaborate with the actions that it carries out aimed at contributing to the integration of people who come to Almería with the aim of working, especially in the agricultural sector, and to facilitate their integration and the improvement of their living conditions.
The signing took place at a ceremony attended by the heads of the Foundation, Juan Callejón Baena and Andrés García Lorca, as well as the CEO of the Agroponiente Group, Imanol Almudí; its Head of Institutional Relations, José Miguel Fresneda; and its Head of Marketing, Andrea Alonso, at the Agroponiente Group’s facilities.
The Almería Tierra Abierta Foundation brings together a group of people and organisations, both companies and institutions, with the common goal of working together for the welfare and inclusion of the immigrant community and to reduce the social gap. It is an initiative that aims to open and welcome the world around us, promoting, helping and encouraging any kind of activity aimed at ‘inclusion’, to improve the quality of life of immigrants, as a method to move forward together.
During the signing meeting, Grupo Agroponiente has shown its commitment to actively collaborate with the Foundation, given that its objectives form part of the corporate philosophy of the company itself, in which people of different nationalities, races and convictions work and live together, united by the passion of producing and marketing healthy products such as our fruit and vegetables.
Furthermore, for years the company has been carrying out various integration policies, mainly aimed at people arriving from other parts of the world, so that the company becomes a channel for social, economic and personal integration for all of them.
The CEO of the company, Imanol Almudí, stated that ‘at the Agroponiente Group, the initiative of the Almería Tierra Abierta Foundation seems to us to be not only a positive idea, but also a necessary one. For a long time, Almeria has become a meeting point for people of very different conditions and origins and the coexistence of all is carried out under criteria of respect in general. However, it is important to advance in this type of projects, because the work of integration is never finished and it is a daily task, to continue growing and taking steps forward, in order to achieve every day a society that is as fair as possible. Many people come to our land with the legitimate aim of seeking a better future, but at the same time to contribute with their efforts to the creation of value in our projects and our companies. I believe that it is everyone’s duty to draw the basic lines so that coexistence between all of us is as good as possible, and that is why we believe that our place is here, alongside the Foundation’.
Communication Office.
Grupo Agroponiente .